When you lose a tooth, maintaining your smile and oral function can feel urgent. At Cane to Coast Dentures we offer immediate dentures, a solution that bridges the gap in your dental care without delay. Our immediate dentures are crafted to fit snugly right after extractions so that you can continue smiling, speaking and eating without noticeable interruption.
Whether you need full acrylic dentures, partial acrylic dentures, partial chrome cast dentures, partial Valplast dentures, implant retained dentures, mouthguards, denture repairs, denture additions, denture relining, denture adjustments or financial assistance, our broad range of services covers a variety of dental needs.
With Cane to Coast Dentures you’re supported by a team that understands the importance of a seamless transition. Call us on (07) 4943 2299 for immediate dentures in Mackay or Sarina. We also cater to residents of Proserpine and Moranbah.
Immediate dentures can be a transformative step in maintaining your smile. At Cane to Coast Dentures, we design your dentures before extraction to match your natural oral contours. Once your teeth are removed, your custom immediate dentures are fitted the same day, keeping your smile intact.
At Cane to Coast Dentures we prioritise your comfort and support throughout your transition to permanent dentures. If immediate dentures sound right for you, or if you’re exploring options, contact us at
(07) 4943 2299 for a service that caters to your needs.
The process for getting immediate dentures involves several steps, beginning with a consultation and examination. Impressions and measurements of your mouth are taken before the extraction of your teeth. These are used to create the dentures, which will be ready for placement immediately after your teeth are removed. The immediate dentures are fitted right after the extractions, so that you are never without teeth. Follow-up appointments are necessary to adjust the fit as your gums heal.
Immediate dentures act as a bandage for your gums after extractions, helping to control bleeding and protect the extraction sites during the initial healing phase. They also provide support for the new gum tissue and can reduce swelling. Wearing immediate dentures can help maintain the shape of your jaw and cheeks, preventing the sunken appearance that sometimes occurs after tooth loss. As your gums heal and shrink, adjustments or relining may be necessary to achieve a proper fit.
Yes, you may need new dentures after your gums have fully healed from extractions. Immediate dentures are designed as a temporary solution to be worn during the healing process. As your gums and jawbone heal, they will shrink, causing the immediate dentures to become loose. Once healing is complete, typically after several months, your dentist will evaluate whether you need a new set of dentures or if your current dentures can be relined or adjusted to improve the fit.
Adjusting to immediate dentures can take some time, as your mouth heals and you get used to the new appliance. Initially, you may notice soreness, difficulty speaking and changes in eating habits. These issues are normal and should improve as you adapt to the dentures. Following your dentist’s advice on care, diet and oral hygiene can help speed up the adjustment process. Regular follow-ups are important to address any discomfort and to make necessary adjustments for a better fit.
ABN: 95 056 532 506
Registered dental prosthetist, Scott Thomas, who has been a registered Dental Technician for over 30 years and completed a Postgraduate Diploma of Clinical Dental Technology at the University of Otago. The clinic offers HICAPS instant claim service for health insurance and provides tailored payment plans to suit financial needs